
 It is a student movement where students come together in small groups of 8-10 to share their interests, problems, experiences, anxieties etc and find a solution of their own through the YCS methodology of See, Judge and Act i.e. Awareness, Reflection Action and Evaluation.

YCS draw inspiration from Cardinal Joseph Cardijin
YCS has its’ roots in YCW which was founded by Cardinal Joseph Cardijin in 1920s in Belgium after the 1st world war. YCS is an offshoot of YCW movement dated back to 1929 in Belgium. 

Cardinal Joseph Cardijin inspired this movement. He was born in Belgium on 13 November 1882. As a small boy his hobbies were talkig to beggers, cobblers, sailers, backers etc in the village square. He use to help them in their work. His mother use to give money saying “Have money-you will meet beggers-give or spend. Choice is yours”.

He was sensitive to every type of human suffring. But one group got his attention. They were factory workers. He heard their cry. He used to peep and see them working from his home. workers were going with their children to work. He used to wonder where the little ones were going- places they do not belong to! So as a young he had a deep concern for people, a great sense of justice-qualities which YCS greatly values. 

In March 1925 Pope Pius XI received the founder in Rome and gave the movement the sanction of the Church. On 12th Feb.1965 Pope Paul VI consecreated him as a bishop and made him Cardinal. Cardijn passed away on the night of the 24th July 1967 at the age of 85. 

“We are at the beginning, we are always at the beginning, we are just beginning” was his famous saying

History of YCS/YSM

It was founded by  Cardinal Joseph Cardijn of Belgium in 1931. Though its roots were found in India in 1950 it was officially organized by Sr. Jeanne Devos on 16th January 1966 at Chennai.  It was officially recognized by the CBCI in 1969 and  Sr. Jeanne Devos became its first National Animator. YSM was affiliated to it for the sake of the students of other faith in 1970 and in the same year YCS/YSM was affiliated to the IYCS international.


Present Scenario

At present, the Movement has over 2 lakh student members and more than 3000 dedicated Animators, youth workers spread out in 12 regions. The Movement has formed active and dynamic church leaders, social workers and liberators who are involved in the process of socio-economic-political-spiritual welfare of the people all over the country.

Aim of YCS/YSM

"Building a New Society”- “A just Society” - God’s Kingdom


To evolve a new society, where people live in harmony, where there is total freedom for the complete growth of the individual, where each and every person is respected in dignity hence valuing peace, love, truth, justice and equality.

Objectives of YCS/YSM

  • Objectives: Self change – Change others
  • Personality development
  • Leadership through Talent exposure
  • Faith formation
  • Building up a better future
  • Fighting for social justice and peace

Methodology of YCS/YSM

See, Judge and Act (Awareness, Reflection, Action and Evaluation)

Characteristics of YCS/YSM

It is a movement of gathering and sharing of experiences of the members and evaluating the life situations to form an attitude towards value based pro life actions. Hence,
  • It is a Student movement
  • It is an awareness movement
  • It is a religiously inspired movement
  • It is an action oriented movement
  • It is a cell based movement

Spirituality of YCS/YSM

All accept one another as brothers and sisters; hence a family atmosphere is created to treat each other as real human beings.
  • Relationship with self – Knowing oneself
  • Relation ship with the Other - Process of becoming
  • Relationship with God – Presence in the Reality


are the basic units of the movement. Student members become a well knit group in sustaining the fraternal relationship in sharing the life experiences to accept each other as their own.


Animators are the backbone of the movement.
Animator is a friend, guide, the one who accompanies the members always in their growth process. The Animator needs to have a deep faith in God and Prayer, Commitment to Word of God, commitment to Student members and colleagues and commitment to God’s Kingdom. He/She needs to be a visionary and learner, accepting and listening to students as they are in their spiritual and growth process.

Structure of YCS/YSM

Cell: Group of 8 – 12 having a Leader and Secretary for the Cell

Unit: Cells together form unit having President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Reporter

Diocese: Units together form Diocesan team (DTA/DTS)

Region: Dioceses together form Regional team (RTA/RTS)

Nation: National team (NTA/EXCO) - National Chaplain, National Coordinator, Convener, Secretary, Treasurer – Office in Delhi, India

Asia: Asian team – Office in Manila, Philippines

International IYCS: International team – Office in Paris, France

YCS/YSM Action Plan DTS [Diocesan Team Of Students]

YCS/YSM Action Plan


yuvamithra shimoga
August 8, 2022

Revive 2022

YCS/YSM Action Plan ZTS [Zonal Team Of Students]

YCS/YSM Action Plan

YCS/YSM Action Plan UTS [Unit Team Of Students]

YCS/YSM Action Plan

YCS/YSM Report Dexco

YCS/YSM Report

YCS/YSM Report Zexco

YCS/YSM Report

YCS/YSM Report Zexco

YCS/YSM Report