
Rev. Fr Franklin D’Souza

Youth Director

Youth Commission Director Speaks

Youth Commission

Jesus looking at the Rich Man loved him and said, “You lack one thing; go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come follow me”. (Mk 10:21-22).

As I have taken over once again Youth Mission of the Diocese of Shimoga, I sincerely thank Most Rev. Dr Francis Serrao SJ, Bishop of Diocese of Shimoga for his vision for the youth ministry in the Diocese of Shimoga and also his trust in me. I thank Lord Jesus Christ for Rev. Fr Pius D’Souza my predecessor for his tireless dedicated services to the Diocesan Youth Commission for past Six years.

Dear Young Friends, As Jesus looked at that young man who came with a question “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus reminded him the Commandments. He said to Jesus “Teacher, I have kept all these since my youth”. Then Jesus challenged him for a higher call. 

Young Friends, remember in our journey as pilgrims, we have two goals. Namely; to lead our lives as per the Word of God by reading, reflecting, listening and witnessing, we have to do the will of God. Secondly, we prepare ourselves for eternal life. Youth ministry helps you to reach this goal by forming right conscience and inculcating gospel values in your lives.  

Hence, let us heed to the Word of God as we journey together. “How can young people keep their way pure? By guarding it according to your word” says Ps 119:9. I believe it is not the programmes that we organise but it is the integrity that one develops in one’s life which makes him a real Christian. We have to become Christ like. To become like Jesus we need to commit our lives to the call given to us in our Baptism that we belong to God. Jesus lovingly invites us to abide in him, abide in his Word and abide in his love by following the Commandments (John15:1-15). By which we can become his true disciples.

Eccl 12:1 says, “Remember your creator in the days of your youth”. This verse reminds us our responsibilities as young people. We cannot escape from his sight. Sir 25:3 says, “If you gathered nothing in your youth, how can you find anything in your old age?” “Yuvamitra”, the Diocesan Youth Commission gives you an opportunity to find meaning in your lives as well as to witness for the love of God through value based leadership.

So dear Friends, let us make best use of our Youth life given by God. I quote here Pope Benedict XVI; “The world offers you comfort. But you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness”. That greatness comes by following Jesus. Let us give up which is not meant for our holiness and eternity. Holy Spirit will guide us and Mother of Youth Mary will surely intercede for us. He who created us, called us will strengthen us to find real meaning in our lives. Pope Benedict XVI continues saying; “Do not be afraid to say ‘yes’ to Jesus: to find your joy in doing his will.

May the Lord Jesus bless you all

Fr Franklin D’Souza

Youth Director, Diocese of Shimoga